Private Sessions with Theresa

Theresa offers private sessions for people interested in work and insight more specific to them and/or present circumstances. Consultations include intuitive information that can be helpful for processing and making decisions about spiritual or life direction. Threadwork is the type of healing or resolution work offered during private sessions and workshops. Many people prefer a combination of healing and consulting, but if you are simply looking for quick internal support just booking for Threadwork is fine. If you are only interested in information, consultations are offered by themselves as well. We recommend booking private sessions no more than once a month. 

Theresa’s work and transmissions are a combination of innate skills and a cultivated understanding of the subtle mechanics of the form. Theresa is able to see and engage with the subtle body using a variety of intrinsic tools. Most of her work focuses on clearing away unwanted expressions in the subtle form as a result of modern life or more extreme traumas. Some of her work focuses on helping activate different parts of the subtle form to trigger realization/shifts in consciousness. Those who are looking for spiritual realization or accomplishment must also do their own work in order to gain realization. We’ve put together a collection of resources through Inner Currents to help support this work. 

Theresa is able to open or push several kinds of light that affect the subtle body differently. She uses one or a combination of these lights depending on the purpose of the work. She also is able to create very long and intricate bridges across the causal body between the light of the atman and the subtle body which we call ‘Threadwork’. The outcome of this work is the direct connection of the soul to a specific area of life. It allows for an expression of the soul to manifest more freely and easily. 

During the free meditations, Theresa focuses mainly on healing or releasing unneeded material from the subtle body, fostering the innate expression, balance, stability and fulfillment. During workshops and private sessions she threads the relationship to specific deities, personalities, principles and life engagements as well as using the lights to affect subtle change. During her transmission videos she uses a combination of the two to ameliorate specific relationships and active specific structures. Many people feel Theresa’s work right away, but the bulk of the effect spools out over time and may be most noticeable within 3-6 months and beyond. Our physical realities are much less fluid than our subtle and causal realities and it takes time for our eternal life to shift into alignment with the subtle changes.

Because Theresa is not bound within any specific tradition, she has the opportunity to help many people who would traditionally be excluded from realization practices achieve this goal. It’s important to note that we have made every resource we have at our disposal for catalyzing realization available at our White River Tier on our website. Theresa cannot do all of the work necessary for this to happen for anyone. More one on one sessions do not increase the speed or opportunity for your own spiritual development. This is why we recommend booking with her no more than once a month and to instead spend the time cultivating your personal practice and relationship with God if realization is your goal.

Click here to schedule a session with Theresa