What I’m going to tell you during an intuitive consultation 

I’ve been doing intuitive readings professionally for 13 years after 6 years of practicing in classes and friendly settings. Over the years my readings have changed and shifted into what I hope will be the most beneficial form. I strongly prefer to incorporate some of my healing work into readings because I’m a strong believer in changing and uplifting our trajectory whenever possible. I’ve also had the opportunity to answer the same questions many times and find similar patterns in many clients and other people I work with. I’ve made a list of my consistent answers to many of the questions I receive. I know that even if it’s here on the list, it’s often helpful to be seen as you in your circumstance and to be confirmed in that circumstance. I will always be happy to do that for people, but I hope this is helpful for anyone interested in the most solid and consistent advice I’ve gathered over the years. 

  1. You are special. No matter what you are or what you can do or can’t do, you are special. We live on a planet with more people than have ever lived so it’s hard to remember how rare we are in the universe or what a remarkable miracle it is to be a living autonomous being with a body, mind and soul. In the history of the universe, it is an awesome occurrence. In the context of religion or spirituality, you are a piece or expression of The One and/or of God. Many people who come to me are unique among their peers, have different skill sets or experiences and wonder if I can see it. And my answer is always, yes. You are special, you are unique, you have the opportunity to do something wonderful. Don’t worry too much about what you are and think more about what you’d like to do, what you’d like to overcome, how you want to relate to others and how you’d like to grow. There is space and a need in this world for everyone’s unique work and expression - and no matter what we are, we can always be more. 

  2. Your life does not have one purpose. You will play many roles. Some are large, some are small, some may be obviously impactful, some may seem very simple but end up being incredibly impactful. You will be many different versions of yourself and wear many hats in many settings. When people ask me what their purpose is, often part of what they hope is that their purpose will be supported and recognized by the world. This is not always so. Many of the greatest works we can accomplish and give require a huge amount of struggle, determination and consistent effort. Many important things are only appreciated by a few or are only for us to cherish. I’m happy to talk about the wonderful things you could do or will likely do, but know that it’s very rare to have one calling and if that seems to be the case for some, it’s only because that’s the only part of them we can see. 

  3. If you are starting a business, sign contracts. Do all the paperwork. Clearly state your role, your expectations, your responsibilities and do the same for everyone involved. Ideally, have a lawyer draft this paperwork. This gives you and your business and your partners worldly protection, but it also creates a very solid energetic foundation. Give yourself, your ideas and your dreams solid footing in the world. I love to talk about business when it comes to the relationships you have with your product or service, customers, co-workers, investors and anyone else involved. But, no matter how likely it looks like your venture will be successful or how amiable the interpersonal relationships are, do the paperwork, give yourself the extra support.

  4.  Boundaries are all about you and have little to nothing to do with the people you’re setting boundaries with. What I mean by that is it doesn’t matter who the other person is or what they have or haven’t done, you can make the choices that are best for you. Also, it’s your responsibility to make and uphold the choices. It’s no one else’s job to hold the boundary for you and you bear the additional burden of what your next boundary will be with people who don’t respect your initial boundaries. We can’t cut everyone out or demand to be treated a certain way, so what do we do? Sometimes we have more options about how we can manage interactions and situations, sometimes our boundaries have to be how we strive to react to them. It takes practice and no one does it perfectly, but it is very powerful to shift our expectations from others onto ourselves and to measure our needs not by what others can or will give us but by what we will give ourselves. 

  5. Being famous is not going to solve all your problems, I promise. I’ve worked with many famous people. Everyone has challenges and the relationships we have to ourselves and the world carry over into every other situation, accomplishment or attainment in our life. Becoming wealthy, beautiful, loved or admired will only satiate us for a short window of time like all external things. When the initial excitement wanes we are always left with ourselves, our worries, our insecurities etc. I’m not saying that privileges don’t exist and there are many circumstances where stress could be dramatically alleviated by a better job or life situation, but those can come in many forms. Don’t believe the lies of the culture. There is no perfect life. Being famous is a lot of pressure, a lot of work and will not bring happiness to many of the people imagining it as The Answer. Dream of and work for the journey that will make you feel satiated, happy, purposeful and whole and be open to it being something you’d never expect. 

  6. If you have a specific romantic relationship that you want to happen or is happening but you’re worried about maintaining it, you should be talking to the other person or people involved, not to me. Too often people want me to give them courage through assurance about a potential romantic relationship, but assurance and intimacy are in conflict with one another. To have a deep romantic connection you have to be vulnerable, honest and respectful. Talking with someone else instead of the person you want this relationship with isn’t any of those things. Feeling like any relationship is guaranteed is not any of those things. If you want to talk about relationship patterns or things to work on that can help with romantic relationships, I’m all in. It’s a rough situation we are in where we don’t have the community structures in place that make us secure as human beings and having romantic intimacy often feels like the closest we can get to it. This puts an enormous amount of pressure on the situation. If that weren’t enough, many of us are also grappling with receiving and expressing love when we weren’t given a solid foundation for that when we were children. Our culture sends us messages that a partner will fill in that unconditional love and validation we missed even though it’s a very different dynamic. It’s a lot and it’s worth working on. Exploring our relationship with intimate relationships can be a very beautiful journey that leads to many avenues of expressing and receiving love. It can all be a very profound and transformational conversation, but it all involves vulnerability, risk and the pursuit of deeper and deeper honesty. 

  7.  If you took ayahuasca and during the experience were told internally that you need to start facilitating ceremonies and giving people ayahuasca just know that this is more of a recruitment than a calling. Lots of folks have this experience and I believe the plant wants to spread out to help people which can be great. Before diving in, consider the responsibility involved. It is not something you can do without personal change and a lot of internal pressure as well as external expectations. It is something you will have to carry and ideally a choice you make out of love and a desire to bear something that will be of service. Also, somewhat related; if it comes up, do not listen to the voices that tell you to build a pyramid in the Amazon to prepare for the impending apocalypse and yes, it is weird that this has come up more than once. 

  8.   Winning the lottery. If you’re intuitive and have been told or shown this internally and it seems very real and well meaning, I have also been confused by this. Sometimes people ask about this message, and it does look real. My conclusion is that any internal messages we get comes through our own filter and many of us can’t imagine how we’ll be safe, cared for, abundant etc. without something occuring at the level of a lottery win. The message we get is some approximation of this and this is how we interpret it which might not be incorrect even if it doesn’t look like the lottery in the world. I also think that there are many beings who are much older than us looking at the modern industrialized lifestyle, going “You have won the human lottery. You have clean running water, hot showers, clean clothes, painkiller over the counter that works, the ability to travel great distances impossibly quickly, access to all the information of the world, nacho cheese doritos and many other outrageous flavors our ancestors could not have conceived of. You are it!” I acknowledge that not everyone has these things, not all these things are necessarily uplifting our lives and that even if we hold onto gratitude for all these nearly magical things we get to experience we still need to work for things to be better for ourselves and the collective. But, this is my explanation of this common message. Unless a bunch of you have won the lottery and haven’t told me, let me know so I can redact this last section.  

  9. It’s okay to wait. You don’t have to act or make a decision until you’re ready. Unless there’s an outside force giving you a clear deadline. It’s okay to wait if you don’t feel sure of what your next move is or what you really want. Often, if there’s emotional pressure around something we feel like the answer is to rush into taking action or making a decision about it, but these are the exact times where it can be most advantageous to wait and explore our feelings before making a change. 

  10. And last, you have too much to worry about as a modern human being and you’re doing incredibly well in the face of these unnatural pressures. It’s too much: all the things we need to think about and consider and the amount of choices we need to make alongside the lack of social support and familiarity and love that are natural to human beings. You’re doing incredibly well. 

To close this out, I’d like to say a few things about what makes us unique and what makes us the same. The parts of ourselves that are most visible and most interactive in the world are often the things we wish made us unique, but are often the things that are the most relatable and common. This is because our interactions and experiences are all happening in a shared world. What is deeper within us is what makes us the most unique and it’s always exciting when there’s opportunities for these deep things to spring up into the shared world, but its visibility or lack thereof doesn’t determine its presence. Everyone has an incredible and rich depth of being that many of us long for because we know it’s there and sometimes can only see glimpses of it. I am very fortunate to be able to see and experience much of this depth and this is the level I often work with in my healing work because it’s where unconscious beliefs, traumas and great potentials are stored. I love people from their deepest depths up to the most surface shallows. I find each person exciting, fascinating and invaluable. I am grateful that I get to work in a capacity that allows me to help others see and experience these things in themselves. 

My booking site is https://theresajulfa.as.me/schedule.php and I’m always happy to answer questions during any of the open meditations/healing work found at www.InnerCurrents.com


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